it's like forgetting the words

As she spoke to the little cat-pill, teaching him his name, her sister's song tickled at her ears. Cambria had to suppress a little giggle. She was too close to Leafy to let a big laugh out, it might scare him. So she stored the happy energy away to use when she wasn't face to face with her new little friend. The pup found it seemed that Leafy really was looking back at her. His little head faced her's and his little legs wiggled in the air. The smile on her face grew and carefully and slowly she inched her nose closer and closer to the cat-pill. Finally she ever so gently put her nose up against him. Those same wiggling legs touched her nose and tickled it. Chocolate tail burst into a wagging fit. He liked her!

After a moment or two she slunk back away from him, ending the contact. The Marino rose back to her full height and looked bright eyed at her sibling. "He wikes me Amata! He doeses!" It was one thing to have a cat-pill and know she was going to take care of him, but it was million billion times better to know that he actually liked her too! Amata also liked the jar idea! It was settled then, they needed to go get a jar for Leafy to live in. It was much better than a box or something because he could be enclosed and safe but she would still be able to tell when he needed more leaves and stuff. Her cheeks warmed at her sister's statement that she was already taking good care of the cat-pill. Maybe she could really do it after all!

"Let's go finds a jar for Leafy! So he cans get accliminated to his new homes!" The sooner they found his jar the sooner he could get comfortable. Gingerly Cambria moved to pick the flower that Leafy currently sat on by the stem. Then she looked to Amata and started walking to the door. The jars would be in the kitchen downstairs. Hopefully some would be on the floor and not all in the high places that puppies couldn't reach.


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