
i can't stop running away.

He did not yet know the details of what had happened to his father, but the simple fact that something bad had happened sent the creamy boy into a tailspin. He had many of the same feelings as his brother – he didn’t want to lose the only parent still around, one who seemed so strong and omnipotent, at the same time gentle and loving. The boy felt tears pool in his eyes as he trotted into the chamber where his father lay – though, at first, he could only see a few areas of chocolate fur that indicated Phoenix’s presence. The rest of the space was occupied by several others, a few whom Kansas recognized – his brothers, Pilot, and… Naniko?

He recalled their conversation, the one that had made him realize how very connected everyone was. The smart girl was currently flipping through a book, obviously very intent on helping. Kansas immediately felt a sense of relief – though he had met her only once, the boy trusted her. He stood alone in the entrance to the room, bracing himself for her words – all of which turned out to be what he wanted to hear. And Kansas knew that there were plenty of wolves who loved Phoenix enough to take care of him until he healed. Only then did Kansas slip in among his packmates, nosing his way through with a few whispered apologies as he went. He sat beside Icarus, acknowledging Moon with a gentle nod before turning to watch his sick father.

It was so frightening to see him like this. He was in a troubled sleep, his eyes moving rapidly beneath his lids. Kansas looked at his paws; he didn’t want to get in the way, but he just had to be there right now.

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