Made in a bakery where nuts are used
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A vengeful flicker was noticeable in the hybrid's eyes of crimson. She was a typical teenager; quick to react and throw her weight around, as if doing so would make her worthy of respect. It was the exact opposite. Lillith could feel a pinch in her chest; a distinct sign that annoyance had begun to materialize within her. One of her front paws retracted slightly, purposely adding to the distance between them. Thavardo’s follower would turn away in a heartbeat, should the little brat ever feel the need to exert whatever authority she possessed. Her reaction had nothing to do with fear though. She simply could not be bothered with a hormonal teenager. The Aquila was probably impressed with his hound in the making; blindly devoted to Inferni, quite the bully, and noticeably lacking any common sense.

The adolescent stated the obvious by referring to Ahren as a wolf. No matter how inoffensive the comment might’ve been, it was the tone she’d used that made Lillith’s hair stand on end. Insolent little snot! Did she not understand how important he was? The madwoman flinched as if she’d been struck across the face. She remained silent though, regarding the young Lykoi with disdain. But in the end, no matter how bothered she really was, her tone of voice remained impassive. “No, it doesn’t. But Gabriel certainly doesn’t seem to mind,” she countered promptly, in reference to the Messenger’s hospitality. Lillith hadn’t trespassed and thus, could not be reprimanded just for being “too close”. She had every right to thread upon neutral lands. Explaining this to the younger femme was rather pointless though. Doing so would more than likely grant her the opportunity to spew some more garbage.


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