walking back towards your house
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... ryban2.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Hey! Welcome back! Big Grin 300+

The rain had stopped for the moment and the air was crisp. The rain laden grass soaked the dark Commanders paws as she walked through the lands. This time of day was always beautiful, the sky turning into a canvas of rich reds, pinks and oranges. The dimming light only made the picture more stunning. Lungs took in a deep breath and then slowly re-released the air to the world. Emerald eyes that had only been half alert soon widened. Was that...had there been a familiar smell in that air? Familiar yes, but no one who lived inside the lands currently. The memory danced through her mind like a ghost, teasing her, but she was never able to grasp it fully.

Savina continued to try and remember the owner of that scent as she walked when a howl split the twilight. Feet stopped for a moment as the voice joined the smell in her head and the ghost became clearer. A white wolf, yes, female. One that had left months ago. Left after...Pilot. A shudder ran down her spine and she was thankful the quiet femme had never seen the former Brigadier General after his ordeal. No doubt it would have broken her heart to pieces. It had been hard enough on the Italian fey. But now it seemed she was back and swiftly ebon legs ran in the direction of the call.

It was only a matter of moments before the image that had danced in her head became solidified and real right before her. Pace slowed, so as not to startle the other. It had been so long and they had only met a handful of times, would she remember her? "Urma?" the accented voice called out. "You've come back?" Or had she just come looking for Pilot? Savina's stomach dropped, she would hate to disappoint her.


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