teach them all how they can dance


Things had finally turned around and her mood had soared from the depths of depression that had tied her down for what seemed like so long. It had only been a week or two, but to the pup it had seemed like ages. Time went slow for ones so young, but it went even slower when you were sad. But thanks to Gotham and Amata she was happy again, and she had a cat-pill to look after! She loved Leafy. Whenever she was inside she was content to just sit around and watch him in his jar. Momma had punched some holes in the top so he could get air and would open the lid for her when he needed fresh leaves.

Earlier today she had collected new food for Leafy, and so now it was play time! And right now there was no one better to go play with than her brother. It had seemed like it would be a nice sunny day, but quickly the cloud crowded the sky and blocked the sun. Cambria frowned up at the mean looking clouds. How dare they block the sun again! They were greedy clouds, they were. As if sensing her ill thoughts towards them they began to pour rain down on her and Gotham. Little brown ears folded back, wanting to keep any water from getting inside them. It didn't take long until she felt soaked, but her dark sibling didn't seem to notice. Until he did that is. "I is toos! Too wets!" She continued to walk beside him until he stopped suddenly. Eyes squinted to see what was ahead and saw holes. Gotham took off and she was hot on his heels. She couldn't wait to be out of the rain!

Gotham was faster and had a head start, so he was already sitting inside by the time she got there. As soon as she was though, Cambria began shaking her body, water droplets flying from her fur to splatter against the walls of the cave and her brother. Scooting in a little further her mouth opened in a panting smile. "Yes, silly wains can' get us in heres!" But then something he had said startled her when she recognized the word. "Dere's monsters in da wain Gothawm?" Oh dear, she hoped not.


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