walking back towards your house

OOC: Thanks! Big Grin ::Word Count:: 500+

Her senses were on edge, waiting for someone to respond to her howl. Her heart was straining against her chest as she anxiously surveyed her surroundings for the form of a white male. Eventually her eyes distinguished in the night the dark form of a female whose scent brought back memories of the early days spent with this pack. She sat up on all fours and met Savina's gaze, her tail wagging excitedly. She drew closer to the female wolf, grateful someone she knew was still in the pack. Her eyes sparkled with the smallest bit of joy, before her thoughts about why Pilot hadn't shown up resurfaced. Surely he would have heard her call... Unless she had lied to herself and he was still not here. She let out a deep sigh, searching with her gaze, her hope nearly extinguished. Eventually, she turned to look at Savina again and softly broke the silence. "I guess so." She realized she longed to know what had happened during all this time, but felt it almost impossible to put into words. After a while, she continued, "It's been a long time. And I haven't found him. And if I haven't found him until now, I don't know when or if I will. This is the only place left for me to look now. Although, much as I'm glad to see you, a friend, I also guess that means he isn't here either, or else he would have been here, and not you." She paused for a moment, realizing that had probably sounded more rude than Urma had ever intended. "I'm sorry, Savina. I didn't mean to make it sound as if I wasn't happy to see you," she said, managing a truthful smile.

She lay down on her stomach again, trying to relax her tired muscles, trying to convince herself, for the millionth time, that she'd find him, in the end. But the night seemed to stretch beyond the horizon, beyond where anyone could see, and she felt more lost here, at the boundaries of her home, than she had ever felt, running through unknown forests and pacing herself over steep cliffs and rocky shores. All throughout her journey, she'd envisaged Pilot having come back after her departure, had always imagined him waiting for her to come back, as the two of them knew she would. It had seemed unimaginable to her for him to have just disappeared without a trace. Despite the endless nights forcing herself to keep walking, looking everywhere for even a shimmer of white fur, she had always believed that she was just a few steps behind him, a day or so distance. Now, standing next to Savina, the closest she had ever come to Pilot seemed the furthest point from him. She had no idea where to look. Somehow, though changed by her journey in many ways, she had yet to learn to shut herself away from her emotions. When the silence, at least in her head, seemed to have gone on too much, Urma looked up to meet Savina's gaze, her eyes watery, and slowly asked, "What happened?"


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