it's like forgetting the words
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        The blue and green eyes watched as the cat-pill began to look at Cambia—that was because Cambi was pretty and had taught the cat-pill that his name was Leafy. "I knowd he woulds!" Amata exclaimed. Her tail wagged excitedly, and the little girl couldn’t help but swell up with pride. She was proud that she had been able to find a cat-pill that was compatible with her sister. It would have been horrible if the cat-pill had not accepted her sister. But all was going well, and so Amata was very happy and pleased. "Nows yous both ares friends now!" This must have been what No-war had been talking about. The Bab-eduk was what Amata immediately thought of. Maybe No-war could help Cambi take care of Leafy too! "Maybes yous cans talks to No-war ‘bouts Leafy and Bab-eduk, toos," the creamy pup suggested, reiterating her own thoughts. Amata didn’t really have anyone to take care of—except for her sister, of course—but maybe she could tag along too. And even if she couldn’t, at least Cambi would not be sad and have fun.

        "Yeahs, thassa good idea!" Once Cambi had gotten a good hold upon the pretty daisy flower, Amata smiled and turned, leading the way with quick and excited steps, stopping frequently to look back and make sure that Cambi and Leafy were coming along okay. And then they had gotten into the kitchen. Amata felt very small in this place, and she paused as she entered, her head craned up to look at the large room that was very different from the bedrooms. Once the awe had left the pup, she continued, and paused before the door of a low-built cabinet. "This looks likes a good place to starts!" And with that her black nose was pressed against the edge of the cabinet’s door. It took several awkward tries before the door swung open—only to swing shut once more. "I’s gonna gets yous!" the girl warned the door. With a final try, the door swung open widely. "Aww nos!" This cabinet didn’t have jars! It only had pots and pans. With a small pout, the girl moved on to the next one, not bothering to close the door, as most pups.

        The next cabinet didn’t hold much promise, nor did the next. They all had strange metal things, and even things she didn’t know what to call. All the doors had been left open. And she had grown quite adept at the opening of these cabinet doors. And finally, the fifth—or was it the sixth—cabinet was opened. "Heres wes are!" Amata exclaimed, truly relieved. She gave a little sigh to say that she was, but she was also feeling rather accomplished. The creamy pup stepped aside. "What dos yous thinks, Cambi?" Amata wanted her sister to choose Leafy’s new home because she wanted this to be very special for her sister.


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