walking back towards your house
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Once again silence settled between the two females and as before Savina did nothing to break it. It was a lot to take in. Thoughts whirled throughout her own mind. Why had Urma left Crimson Dreams in the first place? But then it all clicked into place and she was surprised she hadn't realized it before. She had gone to search for Pilot. After all, none of them had known where he had gone to. After he had been missing for a good amount of time Savina had gone looking for him and had never picked up a trace of his scent. It was like he had vanished off the face of the Earth. It was only when he had shown up near Rabbit Lake afterwords that the dark truth about his disappearance had come to light. A spark left of the anger that had overwhelmed her in that moment flickered in her chest. None of that should have ever happened.

Slowly Savina moved to lay down beside Urma. They weren't close enough to touch, but still close enough to feel one another's warmth. Hopefully it would give the tired femme some comfort. The pain in the words next spoken cut the Italian to the quick. "I'm not entirely sure, at least a month I believe. I'm not sure how he finally escaped, when I finally saw him afterwords we didn't talk much..." Emerald eyes turned to look into those bright yellow ones. "He wasn't the same Urma. He was...broken. What happened to him was nothing good. Nothing that he should have had to endure." A heavy sigh was heaved from her chest. "He only came back the one time, the time I saw him. I haven't seen him since. But at least I think he's better." That was what she had gathered anyway. That he was finally recovering from what had been done to him.

Those eyes closed and she knew they were holding back tears. "I'm sorry..." the accented voice whispered. Savina hated to see anyone in such pain, especially a friend.


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