The strangeness of a face
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-giggle- And hey, Mew needs anger management, much? >_<
Word Count: 331

As the male maintained his take on the world, by simply having decided that the wolves were the bad guys, Mew did not answer, annoyed. If he had already been brainwashed by their silly doctrines then it was too late, and nothing she would ever say could return sanity to this poor thing. He could stick to his ideas, but she knew they were wrong. Ironically, the idea he proclaimed was an indirect insult to her, although she was hardly aware of it. Fact was, however, that before her incident she had had nothing against the coyotes. She had thought them strange and she had known of their hostile reputation, but nothing more than that. She would willingly have peacefully socialized with a coyote behaved in a friendly way. That part of her was dead now, and she could no longer recall having had such opinions. In her mind she thought she had never had an opinion at all before the -truth- became apparent to her, and now she was convinced: Coyotes were malicious by default.

He apologized, and it took her by surprise. In an instant she was all anger and fury, snarling at the male. How dare you?! My children's memory will not be spoiled by the sympathy of a pathetic hybrid. Her back was arched now, furs on end as she had an outright aggressive stance. She did not move, and she did not intend to attack, either. The stance was simply an involuntary expression of her anger, now directed at this coyote. Don't you come here and speak to me about family. The Sadira family has endured so much suffering by your clan's teeth, our bonds cannot compare to your make-believe clan-family ties. Don't you dare compare us! Arrogance and demand shone out of her vividly green eyes as she fumed at him, teeth bared. She would fight like a madwoman if he jumped at her, and she did not care if she died along with it.


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