She ran until her feet refused to hold
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She was glad that Ehno had come to see her...but it had left her with somewhat of a bittersweet feeling. She was trying her damndest to stay away from the areas where she knew there were drugs...but those places were everywhere. Maybe if she burned the buildings down...yes...that would do it. That would get rid of them. If she could keep herself from taking any of them before she burned the place down, then it would be good. It would work.

The shifted woman stood on two legs, a small can of gasoline in one hand and a lighter in another. Naniko stood before the bar that she had met Sabeen in, the bar where all of this had started, looking through the cracked, open door with wide jade eyes. She needed to burn it all down, to burn everything. All the memories. She walked inside, starting with the bar stools. A bit on each one of those. Then she went for the bar itself, and few bottles of alcohol still left there. They would burn really well. She poured the alcohol all over the bar itself, on the floor and on the ratty old couch in the back.

When everything was ready she leaned over, lighting the bar on fire. She had made a trail, of sorts...the fire would spread really easily. With that done the werewolf turned, stepping out of the bar and into the street. She felt an urge to go back inside and gather up some of the cocaine before it burned in the fire...but she fought it, standing still with her arms crossed, empty can tossed to the side.


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