come on take me home
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eek! sorry for the atrocious wait<3

The man tilted his head slightly, offering a slight nod at her apology. 'It's fine.' He reopened his journal and found his place, moving to stand beside the female and study the wall. She complimented his skill and Giggle merely nodded in response, focusing more on the ruins than her. Had he known the thoughts in her head his opinion might've shifted-- only days before he had contemplated the exact thing, writing the history of Inferni. After all, despite his standing, he was an outsider-- genealogically speaking. And it was frustrating to want to give your loyalty to something without comprehension of it's true entity, something he couldn't do without knowing it's stories.

He flickered for a moment between the wall and her before she spoke. Giggle nodded, adding the name along with her face to his memory. Kaena, who had been gone for a while. Indigo eyes studied her. 'So you've lived here before,' he half asked, have commented, not wanting to seem interrogative. He paused, then added: 'Well, nice to meet you.' Trivial, but he was naturally polite. The coyote took his pen and rested it on the book for a moment, before uncapping it. He had lost his place. Annoyedly Gig stuck the end of the pen in his mouth, chewing on it in thought. He was-- ah! There. He had just finished one of the vaguely animal shaped drawings. The text under it was foreign to him and certainly not English. Nevertheless he carefully copied it down as Kaena spoke.

'I don't really know,' he admitted, looking helplessly between his notes and the wall. 'I have these books on ancient writings but they don't have this kind specifically.. judging from the pictures though, I think it's a kind of story?' It made sense to him, anyway, but for all he knew he was completely off base. He took out the book on early writings and held it out for her to look at. Even if she couldn't read, it had pictures in it.


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