walking back towards your house
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As Urma moved closer to her Savina help bridge that distance as well until it was nonexistent. Physical comfort and reassurance were the best tools she had right now. There was not a single part of her that held any bitterness at the snowy fey's disappearance those months ago. She had known that Pilot's absence had been hard on her and honestly hadn't been surprised when Urma turned up missing as well. When you felt so strongly about someone, you couldn't help but feel the need to go after them. She knew that if she had been in Urma's place, she would have done the same thing.

At the sound of the ex Commander's name her body flinched. It had been so unexpected to hear it that it was impossible for her to control her reaction. The Italian wondered if it would be commented on or not. If not she would be willing to share that news at another time, but if Urma did ask then she wouldn't hide it. It wouldn't do any good to try and keep it in the dark. "It's all okay Urma, I understand. I know how powerful those emotions are and sometimes you don't think about acting upon them. If it had been me I probably would have panicked too. It's only a natural response. I wish things were different, that he was the one to greet you here instead of me. It seems so much doesn't turn out like we hope it will..." She couldn't believe everything that had happened in Crimson Dreams recently. None of it had been easy.

Once again she listened to those pain-laced words that poured from the woman beside her. It was so unfair. Damn Hybrid. If not for him things would have been so different. Pilot would have never disappeared and then Urma wouldn't have run off looking for them. They would have been able to be together and start a life together here, in Crimson Dreams. But the actions of one sick, demented individual had thrown both their lives off that course.
"I'm so sorry. I can't even begin to imagine how hard this all is on you. I can't imagine being separated from the one you care so much for in such a way," she said taking a deep breath.
"But...you still have a place here. I know it's not the same. It's not the same at all. But if you want to live here again, or even just stay for a while, you know you can."


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