you are my sweetest downfall
*is cheating and replying to this first because she really, really wants to* Big Grin 300+

She had been avoiding him as much as he had been avoiding her. It wasn't right. Every second she was away from all the familiar places they shared there was an ache inside her. She wasn't going to let this tear them apart. They had been through so much and none of her love for him was diminished. He had made a mistake. She had as well, when she had gone and fought Hybrid. He had forgiven her for that transgression. Now it was her turn to show him the same forgiveness. To show him that she still loved him and wanted him. Because she did. Savina couldn't even begin to imagine her life without him now. He made her whole and she needed to feel whole again.

Absorbed as she was in her thoughts she didn't hear the soft opening of the door. Vaguely she caught her beloved's scent, but attributed it only to the fact that she was thinking about him. For a moment she wondered if he was upset with her for her reaction. He would have a right to, with her doubting his fidelity. The Italian woman regretted that she had let her insecurities get the best of her in that moment. But as those fears threatened to overtake her, her name brought her out of her thoughts. Her name spoken by that very voice she wanted to hear. Emerald eyes opened instantly and she looked over at his kneeling form. "Kansas..." she breathed, his name sweet on her lips.

Without even thinking if he would be against the contact she reached out and rested a hand upon one of his crossed arms. As Savina looked at him a quiet sorrow filled her eyes. "I...I'm fine." What was that strange look in his gaze? Tears? That brought fear to her, for there were so many reasons he might feel the need to cry in this moment. "Kansas I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so upset...I shouldn't have thought you had been unfaithful. I know you wouldn't do that to me." Her gaze darted away to look at the sheets for a moment, feeling the sting of unshed tears herself. "I don't want us to be distant anymore..."


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