reluctantly waiting for you to interfere [p]
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ooc -

Whee! 326 words.

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A grim line formed over her muzzle at what he said about his name. Could one really change their own name for any old reason? Princess supposed it was possible, and with a name as awful and unfortunate as Buttface, the girl could not really blame her brother, even if she would take some time getting used to the change. "Oh," was all she said. Briefly, she wondered if she were still allowed to call him by his given name, or if she was supposed to learn to call him by the strange name he said they all knew. Ares. The word left a strange taste on her tongue; it was too different from the norm for her, and it would take a lot of time getting used to. If all went well, Princess would have a good chance to get used to the verbally unexplained change of name.

A woman showed up then, tall and beautiful and looming over them with a wary and stressed look. She was momentarily dazzled, but she did not know if she was meant to speak, or if Buttface - no, Ares - was supposed to speak for her. She had watched her brother wipe away the remnants of his tears, but she had not done the same, and it was not really important to her. Perhaps the tear-stained cheeks would actually help her case, as it could easily be taken in more than one way; fear of her mother, missing her brother, wanting to get away from Tokyo. . . All could be inferred by her tears, and all were very much fitting to the situation. The ebony woman spoke only to her brother, so Princess decided that it was enough of a reason for her to remain quiet and let her brother take care of the situation. He was, after all, friendly with the woman, while Princess was just a girl looking for a home with her brother.


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