Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?
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"Now that is an excellente way to greet someone, Heath," the self-proclaimed king said with an insidious smile, sauntering without hesitation to one of the barstools. He had been in this bar before, several times - usually to purloin the flavored liquors that the humans had kept stocked during their time. He had his own moonshine whiskey station now, hidden in a cavern of the Pirata Grotto deep in his kingdom, but he was lacking the rare ingredient he needed most - the yeast. He could not ferment the mash without it, thus: he'd had no reason to return there, either. He could wander without responsibility.

After a moment of sniffing over the counter at the dusty stock and fingering through the bottles, he found himself curious as to why Heath was here. The coy-wolf had the underlying scent of his kingdom, but considering all the frequent trespassing he did without incurring any sort of negative response, Jac assumed he had become a sort of squatter. It never occurred to the mad king that Heath had stepped up and joined the pack while he was on his sabbatical. It definitely didn't occur to him that the reason behind it was his own Ruri. His mind was elsewhere. For the moment.

"Did you come here for the drinks as well?" he settled on, flashing black-and-brown male a knowing smile. This was the most reliable place to find alcohol. Haven had taught them both. The one-armed Optime looped his claw into the handle of a small glass flask, the clear liquid within it sloshing temptingly. "It looks like water... but it smells like fire," he remarked in a pleased fashion, his sensitive nose wreathed in the aroma of vodka. This dinghy, dirty dive bar was like home away from home to him.


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