Bad News is Good News
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The Phoenix Valley wolfess was taken aback by the enthusiastic welcome the larger male wolf had given, and it showed plainly in the lines of her delicate features. She stared, lime green eyes wide, for a moment before her face broke into a beaming smile. She hadn't realized how much she had missed Jazper, although she hadn't known him very well. He had still played a key role in Crimson Dreams when she had been part of this pack, and it was nice to see him.

Her lime green eyes traveled his face, noting the new splash of color against his otherwise dark pelt. It was a bit startling to see at first, but as the big wolf explained the tattoo's significance, Geneva began to see how it seemed to fit on his face. It didn't seem to stand out from his features, instead it seemed an integral part of them.

"I like it, Jazz," she said after he had paused. "It suits you." She had only ever seen one other wolf with tattoos, the strange, mysterious woad-marked wolfess from Dahlia de Mai. She spared a thought for the strange, thoughtful wolfess before she returned to the situation at hand. "I have been well, for the most part...although I feel as though it has been a lifetime since the last time we spoke." It could have been a lifetime, so much had changed for the gray wolfess. "What's been going on here? Is everyone all right?"

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