set things right


Despite all her anger, she felt pity for the young male cowering before her. He wasn't bad at heart, but with his mother he had gotten a very bad start at life. His view of what the world was like was skewed. Even now that he was away from her that woman was still screwing with his life. "I'm going to imagine that most of what she 'taught' you isn't right." It really was unfortunate that there hadn't been a father or someone else in the picture to help offset the damage Tokyo had done. But then again, what kind, self respecting male would ever choose to be with a woman like that? "You don't want the members of your pack to be afraid of you Ares. If what you think you're supposed to do would inspire that, then it's wrong."

As he spoke more about his past the Commander's face did soften a little. It really wasn't his fault that he had had a bad mother. A mother who hurt him and starved him. That would mess anyone up. "No, it wasn't right for her to do that to you Ares. Mothers are supposed to love their children. They're supposed to nurture and protect them. She didn't do that for you. Part of being in a pack is helping to raise the young. It's not only the job of Kansas and I, it falls to everyone." That was something he needed to know if he were going to stay here. Emerald orbs watched his very still form and her ears strained to hear his quiet words. Normally a member probably would have been banished for such an offense, but in this case there were extenuating circumstances. It was obvious that Ares truly hadn't known and that he was sorry.

Savina took a deep breath and released it slowly. "You can stay Ares, but I must demote you to Worm until you've re-proven yourself. You must never do anything like this again or I will have no choice but to make you leave. I would make sure to let your sister know that such behavior is unacceptable when she comes as well." If he believed that was how the world was then no doubt his sibling did as well.


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