I'm down to a whisper
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Savina nodded her head. It would be a good idea to bring this all up at the next pack meeting. "I think that would be a good idea. That way everyone will know who she is and to make sure to keep an eye out for her." The last thing she wanted was for Tokyo to somehow infiltrate the lands again and cause more problems. Savina had had the strength to hold back her anger the first time, but she might not be so lucky if it happened again. She took the job of protecting their home very seriously. "That might be a good idea, though I'm sure Cercelee will understand. She doesn't want conflict between us anymore than we do. But she does need to keep a tighter leash on her members. Once is bad enough, but the fact that it's happened twice now..." It really was unacceptable.

She watched intently as her friend tested the water but still found it to be too hot. Absentmindedly Savina chewed her lip a little, a nervous habit she had picked up from Kansas. She really hoped that this would do the trick because she didn't know what else they could do to heal her so far from home. As Naniko eased her foot into the water and moaned the Italian's ears fell back. It must really hurt. But then the talk of Phoenix Valley distracted her. "Really? How so? Do you think there will be war again?" She hoped not. Even if it was a war that didn't involve Crimson Dreams it would effect them in some way or another. "I met their leader not too long ago. He was a bit of an odd one." Her meeting with the cyclops had been quite unconventional.


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