Violent timing explains the aftermath
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Whether or not his punch hits is up to you :3 300+

His vision was red as his arms continued to dish out punishment to the prone log before him. How could she do this to him?! How could she!? She was a liar. A no good rotten little liar. She had just fed him sweet words to get what she wanted from him and now that she had she was gone. What it was she had wanted he wasn't sure. Maybe she had just wanted to fuck with him. Make him fall for her and then leave him broken. Those thoughts only served to make the rage inside his chest burn hotter and his jaw clenched to the point he thought he might shatter his teeth. If she ever came back he would make her pay. He would make her understand what she had done to him. She would be sorry.

It was practically a miracle that he heard his King's voice over his frenzied task. But as his name was called out that axe head slammed into the wood one more time and then stayed there. Haven didn't move though. It was as if he were frozen in that position, back turned to Jacquez and hands on the handle of the axe. He also said nothing, lost in a sea of anger and pain. Though at the words "snowy princess" a growl rumbled deep in his chest and his face contorted into a snarl. Hands left the axe handle and balled into fists so tightly he could feel his claws digging into his palms. No. She was no princess, she was a witch.

His head whipped around and took in the sight of the collie mix, but Haven did not truly see him. He wasn't entirely sure what he saw for he was not in his right mind. Then like a bolt of lightening he was coming at Jac, one arm raised up and once he closed the distance that arm shot out to punch the other man right in the side of the head. Then he stood back, his body vibrating with restrained power. "SHE'S NOT MINE! SHE LEFT ME! THE LITTLE BITCH LEFT!" he roared. The Knight stood there for a few moments his chest heaving with each breath and then without warning the fire went out of his eyes and the snarl melted from his features. The vibration of his body turned to a shaking as he realized what he had just done. "Jac...I...I'm so sorry..." he stuttered, his eyes now wide with a kind of panic.


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