Love 101
Ty's wounds from the fight with the mountain lion were all but gone nowadays, and Ty was out again for exploration. He'd been resting for a few weeks, and never really finished exploring all of Pheonix Valley. But that was all in the past now, and ty was ready to find new places to visit. He found one today on the coastline, a place he had never really explored back when he lived here so long ago, when he was but a small pup living under the wing of his father and Jefferson. The cool ocean breeze and the roar of the waves were a welcoming sight though, too many times had Ty seen these kinds of waters during his mercenary days, sometimes even before a fight. He reminisced about those days of war and profit, and the memories and experiences he gained form that type of work.

However, something caught his eye nearby, a large tower that he had seen a few times before, but usually didn't pay attention to until now. usually lighthouses had lights in them, but apparently the one in this area was all but abandoned. The dark and rusty old tower stood defiant among it's natural surroundings as the one structure of a race long gone that was left behind on this beach, the one last reminder of their influence here. But it was not just the structure itself that caught his eye. Upon closer inspection, he could see something very small at the top, a light? Was someone up there? His nose could faintly pick up the scent of smoke, so, without much else to do, Ty began to climb up to the top of the lighthouse.

When he did make it closer to the top, he began to soften his footsteps, so as not to make himself known to the person at the top, for all he knew, it could be an intruder, so sneaking was a viable option. When he got to the top, he found himself surprised to see a wolf he did not know sitting there, smoking a cigarette. The wolf was obviously female, he could tell by her trim and fit female figure, but what was she doing up here? Most likely just enjoying the scenery, that was Ty's assumption, but one could never be too sure. Deciding now that she wasn't a threat, Ty spoke out to the unknown female. "You know...smoking isn't the greatest habit." He said with a chuckle.

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