funk down y'arterie
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Hee Big Grin It's fine!


The boy was waiting patiently outside for Brooklyn, but he was, inevitably, distracted by a passing insect. What it was, he wasn't quite sure, but it floated through the air with its giant legs stretched out around it, and boy did it look silly! He knew that he was supposed to be waiting, and he was doing it so nicely, but he couldn't resist investigating. The insect took a much slower path than most of the bugs that Gotham was used to, its wings somehow evading the falling rain. It was a slightly creepy thing, in a way, and the pup gave left it a good amount of space even as he followed it around the corner of the house. It soon settled on the siding of the house, apparently content to get out of the rain. He stared at it for a few moments, his deep cerulean eyes following the path of its long legs, thinking about how fragile they were.

Suddenly, he remembered that he was supposed to be meeting Brooklyn for a hunting lesson. His eyes widened and, coincidentally, her voice called out almost simultaneously. He felt only the slightest bit bad for not being there when she left the house, but the solution was clear! He would sneak back, and pretend that he had been there the whole time. A content smile curled his lips and he turned around and tiptoed to the corner of the house, giving a quick peep past it to see where exactly the white female was.

After visualizing the best possible path, he crouched down low to the ground and crawled around the corner, sticking close to the wall. She was facing away, and the boy struggled to contain a snicker as he sneaked through the grass. He did love to get his heart pumping this way, and savoured the adrenaline moving through his veins as he tackled some daring task. The idea that Brooklyn didn't even know that he was there, behind her, made giggles rise in his chest. He swallowed them, with quite a bit of difficulty, because if he let them escape the game would be lost and she would spot him! He felt so stealthy, and he loved it.

As he drew closer and closer the stakes grew higher and higher. He had invested a few good minutes into this, now, and he didn't want them to go to waste! The boy's steps grew slower and more deliberate, and he tried to steady his breathing so it was quiet. Now almost directly behind her, he took a few steps closer, trying so very hard not to make a single noise.

Once he felt he was close enough, the boy leaped out, mouth wide open and a long-held squeal escaping him. He landed behind her right leg and immediately put his open mouth around it, just closing it enough to know that she had been caught. Sometime during his sneaking the adrenaline had taken over and the thought of the hunting lesson planted little ideas. He released her quickly, though, pulling his head back and trotting around to her front. "You didn' see me en I was right dere all aylong!" he yipped, grinning widely. His mischevious side was getting a little bit of exercise.


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