the devil's water, it ain't so sweet

Word Count 301

Her tenseness thawed as the other gave her a name to go with the face. Knowing someone's name somehow made a meeting more official, and provided some fake symbol of security. Before Mew answered to this, though, Geneva also gave her the reason why she was here - the very thing Mew had been thinking to ask about. Smiling, now, the ivory femme was appreciating this polite behavior, and at the same time was curious about who exactly this femme had known. However there was a small element that disturbed her thoughts - Phoenix Valley. Wasn't it Phoenix Valley who had held her nephews? Or, at least one member of Phoenix Valley? The female had not yet spoken with the boys, and thus she did not know that it was Firefly who had put them there, and still believed the case to be a kidnapping. She was good at picking up cores of rumors, but when the solutions or secrets were revealed she did not pay attention as much. She decided, however, to perhaps let that subject lie still for now - after all wouldn't Cer have done something about it if it really had been as simple as a cold-hearted kidnapping? It could have meant war, but there was no war, not even rumors of bad blood. She would have to assume that that part of the Dahlian history had been resolved and was in the past, but she might give in to curiosity later anyway. Smiling, she gave in to her first impulse of curiosity.

........Oh? Who was it that you knew?

........It was clear from her face that this was no interrogation, but small talk. Me w was in fact quite at ease now, and might even find later on to be enjoying herself. Stranger things had happened.

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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