summer moves on

OOC: DO WANT ;_; We could close their older thread soon? Like in a couple of replies? Also unshifted 300+

The rain was taking a break, deceiving them all, making them go into a lull and believe that everything was going back to its sunny ways, that the earth would be parched again in a never-ending cycle. Lubomir knew better. Like his addiction was growing every day, so was autumn's grip on the lands. The days were growing ever shorter, ever wetter and colder, inviting one to stay indoors. He chose to stay in the Library, hiding away like a fugitive, hiding from his responsibility towards his mate. His heart ached for her, but his mind lied to him, told him she no longer needed him. Slowly, a wall of silence had come up between them, had torn them apart. He would creep into their home after she was asleep and wake before her, to avoid her gaze. Like a thief. A liar.

This time, he wasn't looking for books. Or for alcohol. He was looking for her, following her scent out through Wolfville and into the forest, carefully picking his way. The way the leaves parted before his careful tread, the way the sun filtered through the leaves, it all looked like a fairytale setting. He'd heard, or rather smelled, new puppies. Cwmfen. He would soon have to go and congratulate his friend, but for now she would need rest. He wondered why he and Mew hadn't been able to have children of their own, but his treacherous heart reminded him that he hadn't spent time at home, that he hadn't made love to her in weeks. A liar, a thief, a bastard, that was all he would ever amount to. And yet she loved him.

Her scent enticed him further and he found her, lying in the grass, looking as radiant as ever. She was beautiful, so beautiful. My love, may we speak? He wasn't sure what he could tell her to make the heartache he felt go away, but he just wanted her reassurance and warm presence, something books and alcohol could never give.


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