i'm done feeling like a skeleton.
its all good ^.^

The pup listened as the two conversed about tattoos and peircings. She wondered lightly if she should get some and giggled inspite of herself, she really couldnt see herself being all that tough, but a few piercings sounded nice. She looked at the studs in Chars ear and wagged her tail in response to them "I like those, and your tattoo, Spirit, i like that too, though, i dont think i could ever get one....i'm too much of a whimp" she grinned i'm more of a necklace person" she showed them the little gold locket she wore snuggly around her neck. She had to find some new blue ribbon to tie it due to the other one getting stained purple from blood....

She wore her locket proudly, it had been the last thing her mother gave her, on the inside was a galic writing [i]Tottom Te Rebore Reddam[i] she didnt know what it meant, but along with it were hairs of her mothers and fathers unique coats. She listened to Charons question about the cold. " I do miss it sometimes, but the rain makes up for it, i try to get as much as i can when the sun isnt out. I'm not one for sunlight you see." she hoped the conversation would stay light, she didnt know if these wolves enjoyed what her gift was. Her fur was niether peircings nor tattoos, and she didnt know how they would react, but she stayed light.

"Oh and no you dont have to be born into Pheonix Vally to live there, you just have to ask permission from either Jefferson or Geneva, our well, leaders, Jefferson is kinda grouchy but hes not too bad, and Geneva is really nice, but shes kinda withdrawn." she noticed that Spirit found Pheonix Vally interesting but not livable, and Rendall had respect for that.

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