walking back towards your house
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Urma already had so many worries on her mine, was already dealing with so much disappointment that it felt a crime to push more of it onto her. But it was impossible for Savina to just gloss over it and put off telling her until later. That wasn't right. Undoubtedly she'd ask around for the recent happenings and would sooner or later find everything out. Then she probably would wonder why she hadn't told her herself. Hard and unpleseant as it was, it was better to get it all out now. Maybe then the healing from all she had endured and learned could start sooner. And Urma deserved to be able to heal, to be able to be at home and at peace again. Of course it would take time, but the sooner the process started the sooner that could happen.

The woman closed her eyes as she felt her friend return the comforting gesture. It soothed her that she was not angry. No one else had been angry at her, besides Naniko and Brooklyn. She couldn't really blame the young D'Angelo for her outburst at the meeting. It had been her mother that had been cast out, it was an expected reaction. "They're...getting better yes. It's been a slow process. It hasn't been easy for any of us." Not only had they lost a leader but a friend. But the element of betrayal was the worst of all. She doubted that anyone else really felt that, but she certainly did. Naniko had betrayed her trust and their friendship. At Urma's sincere compliment a weak smile worked its way back onto her face. "Thank you Urma. I'm doing my best."

The next words were the very embodiment of what she wished for often. Savina had never been a particularly ambitious wolf. She had never striven for positions of power. All she had wanted was to live somewhere she was accepted and to find someone she loved and who loved her and have a family. Just the simple things. The fact that she was now the Commander had fallen into her lap quite unexpectedly. She didn't regret it (aside from the way it had come to happen), but at times she did wish for a less stressful situation. "I wish for that all the time." It was impossible to keep the longing from her voice. "I know, it isn't fair. I never wanted all of this, not really. I just wanted to live a simple, quiet life. I love being able to keep Crimson Dreams safe and afloat, but at times I wouldn't mind giving it all away."


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