a kid'll eat ivy too


The young boy seemed to have gears turning in his mind, and Mati could only imagine what he might be thinking. A pups make-believe world was far from what her’s had become with age, and Mati still held a very vast imagination. It intertwined with her creativity and could be seem in her paintings. It was immature to be scampering off with unseen friends, but she could still express the urge in a different way. She followed his gaze, soft lavender eyes looking at the bug as he did. She wore an easy smile, thinking of the butterfly it would become. Its beauty, its light fluttering passed her window...

His voice rang, high and forcing its way into her ears. Eyes moved back to the male’s face. A look of distrust and disbelief was written very clearly. “Lying?” Mati would never do so, and her first response was shock and surprise. Never… oh, well there had been that one time she had told him his face would stay skewed in he held it there too long in some crazy face. But the young wolfess wasn’t lying now! She closed her mouth, regaining the composure one of her age should show and looking back to the pup with a more sophisticated, and educated tone. “I would never.” She looked at him smugly, and then as she watched him the angry façade loosened and fall away.

“Its true Gotham.” her voice was softer now, settling on the fact that he was just misunderstanding. She hadn’t shown him everything… and she found that he was sharp. Now allowing her to tell such a fantastical story of the miracle of nature without visible evidence was something only the quick of mind did. “Let me see if I can explain...” She said with an idle thought. The woman rose, walking slowly through the garden. It was wonderfully maintained, but she was sure her mother would allow the sleeping pods of future butterflies to rest in her garden.

She found one, just as she was about to pass it. Turning around Mati stood in front of it, looking down and smiling. Motioning the pup over she examined the cocoon "This, is his house.” Brought eyes looked at the little pup, wound he believe her now?


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