If I could change, and keep the rain away

The failures, the wrongs of the parents always seemed to trickle down into the children. They could shadow their lives, and without great strength and help their could be a darkness cast over them for life. The girl could forget sometimes, the thing that her father had done. Days could pass and she wouldn’t think of it at all. But her brother would, in each reflection that he saw. It was worse for those that bore the resemblance, and as she did his siblings should know and understand that hurt. They should comfort him, not discriminate.

She looked at his face, and he looked whiter then before. Like the life that she found in his coat gone. All that was left were the crimson orbs, full of the blaze she had set forth inside of him. He spoke, and Mati took a breath and tried to smile. She managed to, and spoke. “Okay.” It was fine if he didn’t want to talk, though Mati was more then happy to listen. She understood, or could at least make a decent attempt. But when the change of emotion washed over him like a silk veil Mati knew very well to let it fall. Her smile grew, and the longer she held it the more real it felt. She wondered if he felt the same way with his façade.

“But where would you go?” and looked at him with a curious and more energetic look. “And who would you take with you? Company can be more important then the destination you know.” She smiled again, wanting to wash away the anger and wishing away the pain her question had brought him.


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