We’ve Unlocked Pandora’s Box
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... table_.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

A soft nod was given. Surname, she repeated silently. That was the proper word. And the woad bound ears listened as she lay in her stillness. The idea of a family name was foreign to the Caledonian-Korean, for, within her mother’s lands, the second names, the surnames, were not constant, revealing only who the mother and father were. And yet, this new system seemed logical as well. And she drank in his words silently, meticulously forcing her mind into motion and out of her weariness. But when she revealed that Onus was his second name, her eyes turned to find him. "Jet," she repeated, her tongue forming the unfamiliar name, holding it thoughtfully, brooding upon it. That name was much harsher than ‘Onus’, short and abrupt, like an arrow. "Jet Onus," the quiet voice called, a soft smile moving her lips, and it was as if in the knowing of his full name she knew something more of him. But she tucked his first name away in her heart as if it were a secret.

"Onus will more than suffice in their naming," the soft song countered, the susurrus stepping with dancing feet upon the morning air. Her eyes smiled as they caught the light that escaped the obscuring clouds, and she turned to look upon their young. Their naming must be carefully chosen, but already she knew how the names should flow: father to his son and mother to her daughter. "Honor Onus," the soft melody called, the woad-banded maw lowering to gently lick and softly nuzzle her son. With ceremony, she did the same for her daughter, callin, "Chastity nic Cwmfen." Each name was tested upon her own tongue, weighing each and growing familiar to their shape. Cwmfen nic Graine was satisfied with the naming of the pups, and the singing wrens, too, were satisfied as their song retreated into the distant forest.

The warrior watched their forms, marveling at how small they were, for surely they had caused her much effort and pain in their bearing. They were so helpless, and both the warrior and the newly awoken maternal instincts bid her to protect these lives even at the cost of her own. And as she looked up to hear his response, that smile upon her face, he kissed her forehead with that gentleness and love. The white orbs closed as she accepted it before she lifted her own maw, nuzzling his neck and licking his ear affectionately before she slid back to rest upon the earth. As her maw lingered fleetingly beneath his, she realized how inadequate those lupine lips were in the forming of a kiss, and she realized how long it had been since she had kissed him. With a soft sigh, she turned her face away, laying once more upon her side within the soft foliage of the old woods.

Once several heartbeats had passed, the black fae released a resolute breath, pushing herself so that her upper torso could sit up. The white orbs beheld the two-egg twins that slept so contently for now against her warm body. "We need to return to the safety of the den," the melody sang as she turned to look upon her lover. "Could you...carry them for me?" The question rang almost tentatively. It would be quicker and safer if both could be carried, and she feared that her jaws would be too cruel upon their fragile, new forms. While she could have shifted herself, she did not have the energy required for such a thing. Onus was the only creature she would have trusted with such a thing—not even the Rosea or the Caregiver would have been allowed near the pups as she was now asking Onus to be. But Onus could be gentle—she had felt his gentleness before. Slowly, her eyes met his, but she did not rise nor move yet from the twins’ side.


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