What a mess


The sounds of the fight continued to plague the blind girl's sensitive ears. The sounds of snarling jaws snapping, sometimes in mid-air other times on another individuals flesh, the sounds of two bodies hitting each other with enough force that she feared would shatter them both, the noises made the fight seem almost as terrifying as when the coyote had had her cornered against the wall. The merle and ivory girl just wanted it to end. Fortunately it seemed like she would get her wish as the sound of the squeeling coyote was quickly followed by the shuffling sounds of it's paws digging into the earth to carry it away from the lands of Cour des Miracles. Leroy barked at the creature warning it, in his own way, never to come back. Ruri, still shaking fearfully, perked up her ears to check if the coyote was really gone. She couldn't hear it, and its scent only lingered faintly in the area. "I-is it gone? Did...did you chase it away?" she questioned, even as her own senses answered the inquiries. She wanted to hear it from Leroy. That way she could know for sure that she could move again.

The fragile border collie was huddled so tightly against the wall that one might have mistaken her for a furry addition to the home's structure. That was how close she had pressed herself against the wall, trying to hide herself. Her petite, quadruped form slowly began to relax, gradually inching away from the wall. She was alive, and unharmed. She doubted she could say the same for Leroy. The tiny female had no idea how to express how grateful she was to him for saving her life. She was simply at a loss for words.


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