If I could change, and keep the rain away

        She went along with his change of pace in the conversation, and for this he was grateful. There was no use spilling all his deepest secrets, showing everyone who he was like an open book. Secrets were meant to be pressed solely to one’s heart, only shared with the closest of companions. And though this she-wolf seemed nice enough, he couldn’t really say he knew her all that well yet. She continued, following his intentional reversal of discussion back to the sea—a far more delightful topic for conversation to the youth. “I dunno,” he replied, honestly not possessing an answer to her inquiry. Where he would go, he had no idea. It would have to be someplace nice, of course. Perhaps somewhere cool, as his arctic heritage cried out for, rather than hot, sunny, and dry. “North, probably. I like the snow,” he said, gaze cast downward on the ground before his paws as they walked. But fiery vision shifted, finally turning back to Mati, fully regarding her now, if still shyly.

        “I dunno,” he repeated, knowing the answer before he even spoke. “I don’t really have any friends, so there’s no one I could take with me.” Family disregarded him and friends he’d never made—he honestly didn’t even think he knew how to make friends, as he’d never done it before. He was walking and talking with this girl, but he couldn’t consider her friend, and it would be too far out of place to ask her to sail the ocean with him on a first encounter, if she’d even want to be stuck indefinitely on a boat with him anyway. And he somehow doubted they’d ever meet again—he wasn’t interesting enough for that. He shrugged, vision again shifting uncomfortably to the path before him as Jael fell silent.


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