A Place in Displacement

     The situation in which Gabriel viewed the world was a peculiar one. After all, his father had raped a woman before he had been conceived. His mother had crushed the skulls of infants. His brother had raped his daughter. She did not deserve to know these things, of course. Still, they weighed on his shoulders like the chaos star tattooed there.
     Until she spoke, he did not stop moving. It was those peculiar words that made sudden and unreasonable suspicion well up in his chest. Gabriel’s heart quickened its pace and the fur between his shoulders rose, just slightly. Aware of this, he turned to face her, eyes burning in the dark. “He wills everything,” the hybrid (truly more wolf then coyote) replied, digging his toes into the sand. Despite his remarkably even tone, Gabriel was wary and on edge. Had it been mere coincidence she had asked him about fire? Especially when it had been by God’s Voice that he had been set to burn? He hoped so.
     If not he would rend her asunder then and there.

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