walking back towards your house

OOC: ::Word Count:: 600+

Urma listened anxiously to the dark wolf beside her, hoping her questions hadn't been inappropriate or pained her in any way. She understood that need to lead a simple life, and sympathized deeply with Savina. Her quest for Pilot, her desire to find him, had virtually been an application of that need to belong to a simplified version of the world, where, although she wasn't necessarily in control of everything, she could still feel there was always a safety net under her. Urma knew where Savina came from when she said she had never been an ambitious wolf. Although the child of the Alpha's of her pack in Europe, she had never wished for the responsibilities of leading the other wolves when her mother and father would step down. She had always fallen back on her brothers to rise up to that challenge, never envying them and never wishing to be in their place, more so, encouraging them to do it when the time came. All her life revolved around at the time was being safe alongside Mörker. She could remember vividly how it had been to find him dead, to know she would never curl up close to him, how long it had taken her to come to terms with the finality of that. How she had tortured herself endless nights, thinking about whether his last thoughts had been about her, wishing she could have said goodbye, but not knowing if she would have been able to bring herself to say it.

She felt the same things now, as she laid down on the grass, with the night pressing around her and her friend. She could remember the first time she had ever seen Pilot, wandering as she had in the Dampwoods, could still remember the way they had taken to reach Shadowed Sun. The memory of that first night in her new home, when she had slept in Pilot's den, before she had thought she would be abusing his kindness and had run off to spend the rest of the night under the open sky. How he had helped her pick a spot and dig a den, the memory of his kindness washing through her. It was something no amount of time or distance could erase from her mind. Pilot had been more than Mörker had ever had the time to be. And he still was that. Irrespective of his horrible experience in Inferni, Urma was convinced that the same wolf was quietly nestled in him, and nothing could change that, to her. She was prepared to wait as long as it took and dig as deep as she had to to find that stray wolf within him that she had so recklessly fallen in love with.

These thoughts, and the silence they caused, brought fresh tears to the white wolf's eyes. The world had been impossibly unfair, these past months. Lives had had their course changed dramatically, and not all for the best. A single careless act had changed the fate of so many wolves, had significantly altered their perception of the world. She closed her eyes, trying to push these thoughts away, not wanting to dwell on them any longer. Her tired limbs ached, and she stretched them a bit to relieve the soreness in her joints. She stared ahead into the looming darkness, fighting against the sleepiness creeping into her bones. "I never thought so many things would change. I never thought I would miss him so much, every minute, with such an intensity." She turned her head to look at the ebony wolf beside her. "I'm glad you're still here. I really am."


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