Bad News is Good News


"Thank you." He said with a curt nod. He had stared at himself for quite some time in the mirror since he got the new fashion statement. It had worried him that it wouldn't look good, that it wouldn't look the way he saw in his mind. The first time he saw it he had stared for an hour. It was definitely a different look then he had seen around. Dyed fur he had seen, and very few wolves he had met had a small tattoo or pattern of sorts. Both of his ex-mates had spotted patterns around their eyes. Purhaps, just maybe, his was his way of saying he was still growing, still moving even if someday's all he wanted to do was see one of his loves.

It was strange the lessons life passed you. Never knowing at first what the lessons are, only knowing how you feel in the moment. Eventually though, you grew past the hurt and pain and could look back. Garnet hadn't been right for him. He had thought so until she ran away. Maybe he needed someone with the same loyalty as him, the same experience as him. Looking at Geneva he sighed and his smile vanished. "Everything's been a little crazy here." He answered as honestly as possible. The first time he had met Geneva had been in the library, she was quite the educated wolf. More educated then most anyways. "Savina and Kansas had pups together and one of them, Cambria, had a bit of an accident because Nani was using drugs." Honesty was the best policy, he reminded himself. "Naniko got kicked out until she returns drug free." His golden eyes lost their gleam, the shining glint that usually trickled off of the yellow had faded. "As for me, two mates have ran away without much explanation and I'm a tad fed up with the lack of loyalty others possess." He cleared his throat slightly. He had always though of himself as a loyal warrior, loyal to his parents, his mates, his leaders, even loyal to anyone that would ask for it. It scared him that others would be so unreliable. "How's your pack? Any news?"


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