Due to the milky film that had begun the process of taking over his eyes, cataracts that were slowly forming, Haephastus could barely see the figure that seemed to be heading his way through the darkness and the rain. Whatever it was, he couldn't quite make it out, but it was coming up on him fast. On edge, the foreign male was just about to rise and enter the cabin, the place that he kept his weapons hidden, when the scent of the pack hit his nose. Whoever it was, they had been here for some time longer than he had, for the scent of the lands was mingled with their own. He eased himself slightly, though still on edge and curious as to what might cause such a fright inside the lands.

Soon enough, she landed at his side in a splatter of mud and water, which caused the multicolored man to lift his arm, shielding his face from what bits of it that had splattered his way. Dropping his arm back to his legs, milked over blue eyes turned to finally look at the woman, who he would admit looked rather displeased. "It's getting bad out there." He stated then, doing his best to keep as much of his accent out of his voice, and indication that he knew why she had come up on him so quickly. "I'm Haephastus." He told her, polite as always. "You can stay long as you like, if you don't mind sitting around with someone new to these lands." Not like he thought he could just usher her off, even if he wanted to, but he didn't.


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