She ran until her feet refused to hold

     She could feel the heat on her face. The flames licking the dreary, gray clouded air. But it was not what filled her view. She looked at the alabaster female, her mother. She was tall and strong, even when the flames of her backdrop rose higher. Violet eyes were wide, surprise deep set in their color, and it were the words that she heard that surprised her more then the heat of the fire. A sweet greeting passed over to her sister, her beautiful sister with the same pure white coat as the mother that bore them. And she received curses and a growl.

     Her heart rate rose, the hair on the back of her neck ticked and stood on end. She was mad. As insane as the bastard that was her sire. Was this what she was destined to become? Genes forged from a rapist and an addict, and her fate as harsh and odious as theirs had become. The fire disappeared, and the thoughts of such pain that had been brought on them by the hands of the female surrounded her. Her face grew hotter, but it was a different sort of heat.

     Her sister’s voice broke her thoughts. And seeing her rush to the woman’s side broke her concentration. Mati hesitated, but followed and took hold of her mother’s other arm. She held it firmly, fighting the urge to grip it tightly. There was a frantic taste in Brooklyn’s voice, but Mati was not afraid. Though she had let her anger overcome her, Mati did not want to watch her mother fall beneath the collapsing building. She pulled, unsure of where they were taking her. “You’re going to get killed. Or hurt some else.” She said to the air, thinking harsher things thought keeping them inside.


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