Paint the Seconds
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For some reason, the painting’s unfinished status brought a frown to Amata’s face. It looked so pretty now, so why wasn’t it finished? Thas okays, Amata decided, because it will bes more pretties when it’ss done! And that thought made it better. Mat-tea would make it very pretty—she knew that she would. The creamy puppy smiled. "You’s welcome, Mat-tea," she said softly, her voice sincere. "It looks juss likes in the picture books!" And her creamy tail wagged happily behind her to emphasize the skill that Amata had recognized. "And it looks juss likes outsides toos!" The blue and green eyes sparkled up at the purple gaze before she turned to admire the painting once more. How nice it would be, Amata thought, to paint things. She could paint so many things and more!

"I cans?" Her somber mood brightened a bit with the hope of being able to do something that she had thought only older wolves could do. Amata couldn’t understand how she could, and yet she trusted Mat-tea’s judgment. Quietly, she watched the older girl rise, retrieving a plate and some paper. And Amata looked down at the blank paper as if she expected it to suddenly come to life with the images in her mind. The creamy tail lifted expectantly, waving faintly when nothing continued to occur. But as Mat-tea commanded her to watch, Amata looked up briefly at the purple eyes before doing as she was told. A little gasp sounded when the bi-coloured eyes beheld Mat-tea’s fingers being dipped in the paint. For some reason, it was as if such a thing were forbidden in the pup’s mind. And then, again, when the paint-dipped fingers actually made colours on the paper the pup gasped, and, again, it was as if she did not expect it to happen with success. "Wows, Mat-tea!"

"I’s wants to tries too..." With great concentration, Amata lifted her left paw. Carefully, she dipped it into some paint, paint, that she suddenly realized, was yellow. With a child’s amazement she stared at the paint upon her paw for a moment before she suddenly stomped it on the paper. Perhaps she thought that a gentle touch wouldn’t be enough to get the paint properly on there, for she lifted her paw slowly and carefully. A delighted gasp and giggle sounded, and beaming she looked up. "Looks, Mat-tea! I’s painted something!" But what was that something? The blue and green eyes turned back to the painted paper, considering it in a very professional manner. "I’s painted...I’s painted..." But she couldn’t discern what she had painted. It wasn’t the sun—Mat-tea had already painted the sun. "I’s painted a flower!" And then, happily, she began to stomp her paw in a very crude circle, creating the petals of a sunflower—or, at least, what was supposed to be a sunflower. But before she could finish painting, her paw ran out of paint. With a frown of dismay, Amata said, "Uh-ohs.... I’s runned out...."


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