A Needle in a Haystack
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... leaf_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Oh, and I noticed in your profile that you used the BBCode for your post log URLs—you have to use html in the profile section, ^=^

Amata daydreamed about many things in the brief moments of her settling in before her mind settled on one particular pseudo-memory. And her mind had wandered to the place as if her paw had been painting on a canvas until, finally, a suitable masterpiece had been formed. The masterpiece was crude as only a pup’s paw could create, but in her young eyes, she had truly created something wonderful. She created the sky, and the sky was filled with white puffy clouds. With her great, artistic skill, her paint-filled paw stroked many flowers that grew upon those clouds like lollypops. Their colours were numerouse, and all were bright. There was none that looked the same, and, as she jumped into her painting and tasted each creation, she found that each had its own unique flavor. A delighted giggle was softly admitted into the silence of the barn as the Sadira pup lay there with her eyes shut, imagining that strange and exciting world of colour and flavor.

And suddenly, that world was shattered. The blue and green eyes snapped open as gave a start, the hay rustling about her with that slight but sudden movement. Someone had said ‘Alloe’, but the little puppy didn’t recognize the voice at all. The way the voice spoke was familiar, she decided...almost like Mamma’s or Uncle Ehno’s. But who was that. Slowly and cautiously, the little girl got up, but it was difficult to apply the quiet-walk that she had been practicing because the hay wanted to be noisy. Ohs wells, Amata thought, and she slid down the side of the haystack before losing her balance and falling the rest of the way. A soft squeak and an, "Ungf," sounded, and her voice was loud in the big and quiet barn. Getting up and brushing herself off, the girl, standing now in beyond the stable, looked about, her eyes falling at last to someone that stood in the bright light of the doorway.

The creamy pup squinted, her head tilting as she tried to see who the silhouette was. And she had to admit that there was a certain amount of relief in the fact that she had found someone, even if that someone were a silhouette. It could have been worse. She could have found a monster. Taking several steps forward, the little girl straightened her head. "His! I’s Amata," the creamy pup piped, her voice bright and friendly. Once again, the girl was not concerned with the danger that existed in meeting a stranger, and perhaps it was dangerous on her part. But the young mind did not heavily weigh the events caused by Tok-yo Chance and Air-es Chance, for such things had already long since passed; her mind had almost forgotten. And if this wolf were in Crimson Dreams already, then this wolf must be a friend. And so, comforted by her own reasoning, the girl smiled. "Who is yous? I dons thinks that wes met afores." And she shook her head to emphasize her thoughts. But the girl had spoken clearly and politely, she thought, just like Mamma had said. And Amata liked to be nice and friendly so that the others would be nice and friendly too.


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