catch the mist, catch the myth
failErin is fail. and closing soon would be good.

It seemed whatever this snow stuff was it must be a surprise, for Mr. Jefferson said nothing more about it aside from giving her a knowing look. But then her father said it wasn't a surprise and explained what snow was. Despite the explanation though, it was pretty hard to imagine. Cambria knew what rain was, but fluffy cold stuff came down from the sky too? That was totally different from rain. For a second she thought she might be getting tricked, but her daddy wouldn't trick her. "It sounds wike magiks or sumtings. Is vewy cowds?" The spring pup had never experienced true cold. All she really knew were chilly breezes on cloudy days.

The cyclop's reassurance that his adoptive daughter was nice was enough for her. If anyone knew her it would be her father! Little did the Marino child know that sometimes pups acted much nicer around their parents than they did to others closer to their own age. She wasn't a deceptive creature, she was what she was, so no such thoughts ever occurred to her. "Bu' you's is nice Jeffersons." She didn't know why he had said that she was nicer than him. It wasn't like he was mean! The girl giggled as her dad's nose poked her. "Yesses, I'd likes dat," she confirmed.


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