[M] - you said that you were lonely
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... etable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #0069B3 solid; font-size: 9px;">

ooc -

Sorry for the failwait. .___. 439 words.

ic -

It had been too long since she had wandered around the ruins of human buildings in Halifax, and she figured she could always find a pretty new dress or something there. Splaying her hands over the front of her blue dress, Princess decided she was growing sick of the thing, and had begun to grow sick of her other things, as well. Why couldn't Savina's children grow up just a little bit faster, so that the girls could shift and she could give them her old dresses? She had just about grown out of the white and red dress, and while she probably wasn't going to get much bigger than her current size, it was always nice to have new things to wear to feel pretty and important. She was determined to find more dresses.

Despite her original intentions, Princess was distracted by someone stumbling towards a building with his arms full of some strange things. The smell was incredibly peculiar, and it intrigued the Chance girl far more than any new dresses she might have found if she had kept looking. Instead, the multi-hued girl found herself following the strange male, trailing him at a distance. The strange smell had drawn her in, and now she was fascinated with the way he was moving. Did he think that walking like that was an apealling way to move? Surely he must not think it was a good way to walk around. He looked absolutely silly! Alcohol was a foreign concept to Princess, so she did not connect the strange smell and the way he was walking to one another, or to the strange bottles he carried.

As he entered the house, Princess hesitated at the door. She doubted this was his house, since he smelled like a pack (though the scent was faint, overpowered by the alcohol), and this house was not in a pack's territory, but it did not help her hesitation. Passing the rooms that he passed, she glanced in them quickly, curiously, wondering if there was anything worth looking at in those rooms. Maybe she should get the chance to look later, after she figured out what this man was doing, and what the strange smell was. Coming closer to the door of the bedroom, she watched as he lit a fire and then relaxed on the bed. Instead of entering the room however, she only nudged the door open a little further and leaned against the wooden frame, looking at him as one would observe a creature locked in a zoo. What was that stuff, and what in the world was he doing with it?


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