walking back towards your house

OOC: Heh, thank you, but I wouldn't go that far. More like manageable Smile ::Word Count:: 600+

Urma wished the earth would just swallow her. It seemed a nightmare that she should ever find herself so helpless in front of a friend. She thought about Savina's offer and said, "No, really, it's okay. Maybe it would be easier if we both transformed. It would maybe give me a bit more strength. I've exhausted myself like this enough." That being said, Urma gathered all her strength and concentrated on transforming. It came much more natural than it had back when she had done it for Pilot. Not many people knew her when she was in her Optime form. She rarely used it, seeing as her Lupus one had always been natural to her, being born a normal wolf. As soon as she was accustomed to her new frame and built, she stood up on her back legs, now much more muscular, and although the tiredness hadn't left her bones, she felt a bit more confident on her feet to make the distance to the lake.

As she walked steadily forward, she hoped the lake wasn't far away. Much as she felt more confident on two legs, it was hard to approximate for how long she would be able to keep her necessary strength. It seemed a long time since she had had the luxury of knowing exactly where the closest water source was, so when, in the end, they made it near Rabbit Lake, she couldn't help feel a sense of relief wash over her. As soon as she was on the side of the lake, she knelt on the riverbank and cupped water with her hands, drinking it greedily and thankfully at the same time. Her elbow joints were sore from all the up-down motions by the time her thirst had been quenched. She sat down on the grass, leaning back on her hands and looking at the starlit sky. Her stomach grumbled with hunger, but she'd leave that until tomorrow. She looked at Savina, still feeling embarrassed about the fact that she had ended up in Crimson Dreams with not even a decent meal in her stomach. But she trusted her ebony friend would understand that she had made reaching Crimson Dreams and what she had hoped would mean reaching Pilot her top priority.

She took deep breaths to steady herself after having drunk all that water breathlessly. The thought of food nagged at the back of her mind, but she tried as best she could to hide it. "I'm sorry I came back like this... Like I was begging food and water and shelter." The thought of shelter brought back her den to mind. "Which reminds me... Would my den still be where I left it?" She didn't even know if she'd be able to go back to that same spot. The last spot she had ever seen Pilot, had ever felt his fur brush against her cheek as she lay with her head on his chest, looking at the stars together. The den where they had eventually fallen asleep together, in a warm embrace, where all promises had seemed superfluous in the face of their emotions. That would have most likely been their home, together. She'd have seen the plants he cared for planted around in a small garden somewhere nearby, she'd have been able to watch him tend to them, learn from them, and in the night, she would have sat with her head in his lap, listening to him playing the violin. All those things made the empty feeling in Urma's stomach feel like a deep chasm. How could anyone forget that feeling, after living it, even for such a short while?


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