casualties and witnesses
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It seemed that the deluge of rain had finally stopped. The sunlight was a welcome sight for Xeris, though her paws were stained brown from traipsing through the mud that remained. It was enjoyable for her just to feel the warm rays of the sun beat down on her body. Her wounds were healing and she hadn't heard any more news of Inferni. Things were, perhaps, looking up. The white wolfess had spent the last few days resting and recovering from what she insisted on referring to as simply "the incident." Then again, she didn't speak of it much. She had happier things to talk about.

On this day Xeris happened to be out for a leisurely walk, taking in the sunlight and good weather while it lasted in case the deluge returned. She'd spent the last few days in her optime form, as it prevented her from having to walk on her injured foreleg. It was still wrapped in a sling but was feeling noticeably better. Perhaps soon it would be healed enough for her to go out and do something with her friends. She remembered the day she had spent with Pendzez, Ty, and Rendall, fishing. It was thoughts of that day that had inspired her to walk out to the lakes. However, she did not expect to see anyone else there, and certainly not the pack's leader. As she approached, Xeris averted her golden eyes, the color of the sun, away from Jefferson in a gesture of respect. "Hello there, Jefferson, sir," she said, adding the "sir" nervously as an afterthought. "It certainly is a lovely day, isn't it?"


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