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She nodded in agreement to the males assumtion of her home. She thought about how different life really was in her old homeland, the tundra, and how in the summer what little had grown and in the winter how cold it truely was. Her vauge memory of her loving mother and father, how she would make and cook things and make the caraboue meat taste wonderful with just the smallest amounts of dry things.

Haephastus' question caught her attention. "Well with most packs, everyone kinda just does thier own things. We have pack meetings where we learn of any new news from Geneva and Jefferson, but usually no major things occur. However, when you happen to meet up with the right people, you can have a pretty good time. Like a few nights ago, me and my friends, Ty, Xeris, and Anya spent a lovely evening in the hotsprings in a meadow not far from here. We watched the fireflies coutr eachother and talked while we relaxed in the warm water." she smiled at ther scarred male. She hoped he would get a chance to experience a night like that someday.

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