A Needle in a Haystack
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... leaf_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

I hate when that happens! And, pfft, it’s fine! I loved reading your post~~~ The only thing that I see is a section that is copied and pasted froma previous section... It’s in the second-to-last paragragh and is before the last part of that paragraph’s diologue section (“At her niece’s next question...able to explain beyond fragmented English.”) ^=^;;

At Aunt Gheet-ah’s confirmation, the pup smiled happily and yipped. "Ciò è meraviglioso!" And the pup’s delight went much further than perhaps the adult could imagine. It was amazing to think that she had a sister and her brother and that her Mamma also had a sister and a brother. And to the pup, it all made perfect sense. Things were falling into place. It was a good family, the creamy girl decided, that had two girls and a boy. That was the perfect family. And now her family was perfect. Briefly, Amata wondered if Dadda’s family was like that too-- Iss Dadda hass two sisters? But, for the excitement of this meeting, the little girl quickly forgot (although she would no doubt bring it up once more to her Dadda). She smiled brightly up at her Aunt. It was like the family had been missing a piece, and that the missing piece, Aunt Gheet-tah, had been found. Today was a very good day.

As her Aunt laughed, the girl relaxed, feeling less sad about not being able to remember her Aunt. And the adult even said that it was okay, so Amata didn’t worry about it. But Aunt Gheet-tah’s reasoning was very confusing, and it made the girl’s mouth hang open for a moment. "I miei occhi erano chiusi?" the little girl exclaimed in disbelief. "Perché erano chiusi?" There was a brief pause as her head tilted. She thought for a moment, and, to indicate that she was thinking, she made a small humming sound of uncertainty. "Forse dormivo." That was her great speculation. Turning her head, she looked at her Aunt once more, offering an explanation. "A volte non ricordo di cose perché dormo. Forse sognavo anche forte. Ma ciò è giusto.... Sono contento che posso vederla ora, Zia Gheet-tah!" And her explanation was perfectly sound, in the girl’s mind. And she was definitely glad that she was not asleep at that very moment—she would not have wanted to miss out on meeting her Aunt after they had not seen each other for a long time!

"È giusto. Lei non mi è spaventato che molto." Amata smiled, assuring the adult that it was okay. That moment had seemed like such a long time ago that she could hardly remember anyway! A fast-paced child’s mind tended to distort time with destructive ease. As her Aunt Gheet-tah continued, Amata smiled and giggled delightedly. "Sono molto più grande?" Although Amata couldn’t remember when she had grown, she was delighted that someone else had said so. She spun about as if to display fully how much bigger she was before she turned and smiled up at her Aunt, continuing on with her cheerful chatter. "Presto potrò spostare come la Mamma, e mi insegnerà per prendere le farfalle. Caccerò anche, e dipingerò. E parlerò agli animali, anche. Ed aiuterò degli altri." All these things and more the girl wanted to do. And she wanted very much to be able to help others, for she disliked violence in all its forms. "Presto, sarò abbastanza vecchio per fare ciò!"

Her Aunt’s sudden change of mood caused the little girl to pause. Had she said something bad? That would have been awful. The girl herself adopted a miserable expression, but she was silent as she looked to the female wolf. There was a certain amount of relief when her aunt finally spoke. It seemed as if many people had been sad lately, and Aunt Gheet-tah had been sad enough to leave. "E dunque lei è andato via? Sono triste che lei ha lasciato...." There was a slight pause as the blue and green eyes looked up at her aunt. But then they brightened, and her tail was wagging once more. "Sono contento che lei sta ora. E la Mamma è contenta anche!" She had not talked to Mamma bout this, but she was sure that Mamma was glad to have Aunt Gheet-tah back as well. "Ora saremo una famiglia grande. La Mamma ed Dadda ed Zio Ehno ed ora lei! E Cambi e Got'am e me!" The perfection was simply wonderful.

Suddenly, the girl turned and took several excited steps before pausing, turning to look back as if she had forgotten something. "Mi ha lasciato qui la mostra qualcosa!" Then the girl went off running to the end of the barn, leaping up a ramp that lead to the upper level. There was hay up there too, and that hey smelled just as funny as the hay in the stalls, but it was the hay that interested the Sadira pup. The tiredness of before was completely gone. She paused, standing upon the ledge before she briefly looked to her Aunt below, an excited smile on her little muzzle. Then, suddenly, she leapt, screaming delightedly as she fell. And she landed soundly in a large pile of hay, her little body bouncing upon impact. Giggling, she stood up, standing like she was the monarch of the hay pile. "Non è divertente? Gioco come questo con Cambi e come Got'am. È molto divertente! Lei vuole provare, Zia Gheet-tah?"


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