you are my sweetest downfall
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Though he would have it so that there were never small tragedies like this, in a way he was grateful for them. Their being able to pull it together when the chaos had died down, and forgive one another for whatever wrong had been committed, showed him how precious their relationship was. Of course, the happier times were much better, but he admittedly liked the reassurance. He felt now like they could get through just about anything, and he was comfortable telling himself that because the only things he could think of that would separate them forever were infidelity or some other great betrayal. He could never to that to her, and he was pretty confident that she couldn't do it to him, either.

The light in her eyes returned, illumating the flawless emerald shade past the point of beauty. When he had settled beside her, she turned to face him with the most satisfying expression; she needed more from him. His desire from just a minute before returned in its entirety. Kansas emitted a shaky sigh after she had kissed him, when her slender leg draped among his. He took her waist in his hands and pulled her right against him, rubbing against her with steady, swaying motions. He massaged her hipbones for a moment, leaning into her and whispering to her ear huskily. "Do you... want this?" He continued to move against her even after he had spoken. Honestly, he didn't doubt her desire for him even now, but he needed her to know he could wait if that was what she wanted.


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