[M] - you said that you were lonely
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... etable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #0069B3 solid; font-size: 9px;">

ooc -

Sorry for the failwait. Again. XD 330 words.

ic -

She was growing fascinated with the peculiar behavior of the one laying on the bed, though Princess did not understand why it was that he was acting the way he was when walking, or what it was that he was drinking. It did not surprise her when he noticed her, as she was not really hiding in an open door frame, nor did she plan to be hiding. what did surprise her was the way his words were being spoken; my, what a strange way to prounounce your words! Granted, it was only one or two of his words that were slurred, but the effect on her was the same as if he was speaking another language. The orange boy must have been at least her age, or perhaps older, so why was he not speaking correctly? Very, very strange, indeed.

Approaching the bed curiously, Princess let her long finger trace the contours of the old fabric slowly, her eyes studying the material. Since she had taken up residence in the mansion, she now had a bed and other old human furniture pieces, rather than the cave she had lived in with her mother. It was a nice change, and just as she thought her bed in Crimson Dreams was comfortable, this one also looked nice. "What is that you're drinking?" she asked curiously, jumping straight to the point as she lowered herself to take a seat at the end of the bed, crossing her left leg over her right leg and now watching his hand around the bottle of strange liquid. Now that she was closer, Princess discovered that the strange smell was coming from the liquid and also from the man. "I'm Princess, by the way. Who are you?" Though he smelled of a pack, and she knew of members of various packs by name, she could neither place what pack he was from, nor could she even take the slightest guess as to what his name was.


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