the devil's water, it ain't so sweet

Word Count 319

Mew found her head nodding to her words as she mentioned the name of a well-known pack member. Sankor had gone now, where to Mew did not know. She'd never known him, having secluded herself from everything once Lubomir took her as a mate. She'd noticed how his scent had gradually disappeared and never returned to their lands, and so she'd assumed he had left. If he had died, she would have heard. Such important news always reached her, despite her solitude.

........A vague inquiry on Sankor's sisters, and as Geneva was a friend of Sankor, and then friendly towards her pack (seemingly), Mew had no problem sharing names with the woman. Names of others were not intelligence anyway, it could be used to do nothing to harm her pack, and it wasn't hard to find out who resided where in these lands. No, the only pack she was truly skeptical towards was Inferni, the others were neutral in her eyes they proved to be otherwise. Her voice was calm as she spoke, a small smile on her lips. Adelaida had also left recently, but her favorite of that family had stayed, and for that Mew was glad.

........Yeah, their names are Adelaida and Alexey Koios.. Ade has left as well, I don't know where, but Alexey is a dear friend of mine, and caretaker of my nephews

........Now that the nephews were brought up anyway, the femme could not help but be thrown back into the thought of PV having something to do with their alleged kidnapping in spring. She didn't want to cause a bad situation here, though, especially since Geneva seemed polite and pleasurable enough.

........Can I ask you something? I don't mean to be rude, I'm just curious. This spring, my nephews disappeared, and they were found in Phoenix Valley. Supposedly, some husky had them living in his cabin... Do you know anything about that?

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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