Such is life

OOC: ::Word Count:: 300+

Urma took a few steps towards the stranger; he seemed distraught by the little bird's condition, and she wondered whether it was something he had done that had hurt the small creature. It didn't seem as if this particular wolf would be capable of willfully inflicting harm onto another creature, but of course she couldn't know for sure. However, his reaction to the situation made her inclined to think that, whatever had happened, he felt sorry for it. She wished she could console him in any way, or reassure him, but there was nothing she knew about him to help her do that, so she focused on the tiny bird at their feet. "Could you tell me exactly what happened? Maybe I could help make it feel better," she offered, hoping this would make him feel less guilty. The avian didn't seem that hurt, and Urma doubted its condition was critical or beyond repair. If there was anything that she knew that would help, she wouldn't hesitate to do.

Meanwhile, she studied the wolf beside her. She knew she still had some distance to walk before reaching Inferni borders, but that didn't mean the wolf couldn't be a stray from there. Of course, the entire incident with the bird made her think otherwise; from all that she had heard about Inferni, it certainly hadn't sounded like a place where you would find even one wolf with a shard of sympathy in him. Also, the lands around this area had a distinctive smell, and she realized she might be close to some other pack. Of course, she had no idea what that pack might be like. She had never had the curiosity of finding out different aspects of different territories. However, the wolf's distress moved her, and she focused on the task at hand-- making the bird feel better. She brought her muzzle close to where it was, inspecting it as much as she could without attempting to move it. The avian's beady, black, glossy eyes surveyed her with a sense of dread for a moment, before their tiny light seemed to diminish. Urma's ears pressed to her head anxiously. The poor thing didn't look so good after all. But first, she needed to know what had happened.


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