Sitting, waiting, wishing – action!
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     Though she did not find her size intimidating, Aurèle was used to seeing people react in such a way. Her muscles relaxed slightly, showing that she was not taking an aggressive stance. The lupus form she remained in (the most common of the three, despite the fact it allowed the scars on her neck to be visible) helped keep her overall size small. Still, both she and her sister were larger then most of the other members of the tribe. This did not perturb her, as their bloodline had made its mark in the tribe and they would likely see a growing number of bulky, taller wolves in the coming months.

     The first question was noted with a flick of the ear. “He follows me,” she said flatly, sparing a glance to the crow. Silent as ever, despite the reassurance of his circling. The Aston female dropped her face as the younger female began to speak again, and though her face remained stoic, she was reminded of her own youth and the number of children that had come to her for help. Back then, though, she had been bratty and unwilling to offer service without a price. Now, though, she craved the taste of fresh meat and the hot blood. What Dawali’s storage offered was enough to keep her belly full, but not fill the hunter’s need.

     “Aurèle. Now if you stop your whining and do what I tell you, we can both fill our bellies.” As she said this, she lifted her head again to test the wind. Without waiting for a response, she began to walk towards the source of the scent. “There’s a small herd of deer further north. You look fast—am I right in guessing this?” Her accented voice rolled from her chest—it was a peculiar sound, belonging to the French-Canadian heritage.


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