[M] - you said that you were lonely
Nah :3 300+

        If he had been sober, he might have noticed the fact that she was studying him and his behavior quite closely. Right now, of course, he did not. Though if he had been sober, nothing about his behavior would have seemed so odd to her. If he were sober he'd probably be crying or tearing the house apart out of misplaced rage. So she probably would have been concerned or scared in those cases, not intrigued. For someone who had never seen anyone drunk before or had not felt the effects themselves, it would be quite the sight. A grown wolf acting in such a ridiculous way. None of that was passing through his mind, however. Haven was too intoxicated for that.

        The hybrid watched with distinct interest as the girl came into the room and walked over to the bed. She was pretty. Very pretty. Especially in that nice blue dress. Haven liked girls in dresses. As long as they weren't red dresses. He now kind of despised the color red. But her dress was not red, and that made her all the more alluring to the drunken male. Jade eyes watched as she traced the pattern of the sheets with her finger. Such a delicate and ladylike gesture. He was somewhat transfixed by the motion and only looked back up to her face when she spoke to him. "This?" he said, holding up the bottle. "This is rum. A kinda drink the humans made. Makes ya feel good. Want some?" Haven held the bottle out to her with a grin. He wasn't against sharing, especially not with such a lovely lady.

        As she offered her name his eyes widened. "You're a princess? Really? Oh wow!" Haven's grin grew and gave a flash of those pearly whites. "I'm Sir Haven, a knight! It'sa good thing you found me! Now I can protect you! Such a beautiful princess shouldn't be alone without no one to protect her..." Had he really found a real life princess? This was too good to be true.


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