dance your legs down to your knees

Kansas lay there for a moment, watching the geese fly into the distance until they were nothing more than a tiny "V" moving steadily further away. He wondered where they were going; maybe they were just enjoying the clear skies after such a long stretch of rainy weather. He grinned in their wake, made light-hearted by the sight of them drifting into the distance, so amazingly free. Kansas felt like them right now; happy and completely at liberty. If he had wings, he would gladly fly with them.

The boy was suddenly jarred from his reverie by the small voice of a child. His first thought was Gotham, but the voice he heard was different from that of his son. He looked over at the boy who seemed to have come out of nowhere, so lost in thought had the young Sadira been. The child asked him about his current position in the mud, his fur smeared with it, and Kansas looked down at his chest and front paws, laughing at himself. "I... don't really know. It feels nice." The dirty mess he was in was located so close to the water that it felt fresh and cool. He smiled at the boy, but his smile slowly faded as he took in his scent and realized that it was very familiar. Firefly. Kansas was suddenly aware that he was talking to one of his nephews, neither of whom had he met yet. He delved briefly into his memory for the boys' names, shaking away the stare that had situated itself upon the younger wolf. "Hey... You're Conor, right? Or Emwe?" He figured he better introduce himself as well, in case the pup should be a bit worried about a stranger knowing his name. Besides, Kansas was absolutely certain that this was indeed a nephew. "I'm Kansas Sadira, Firefly — er, your mom's brother. I'm your... uncle. Yeah."


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